Friday, July 17, 2009

Looking up

My little brother arrived yesterday.

Sure, he's not so little anymore, but that doesn't matter.

The Husband was kind enough to go fetch him from the airport, so I could finish working and we all met at one of our favorite places to grab a drink, Opal Divine's. It's right in our neighborhood, is totally relaxed and has a drink menu that's longer than the food menu.

Little Brother (hahaha) requested only two things while he visits: the Salt Lick and a baseball game. Easy enough. I also want to try the new hot dog place (any guesses which restaurant?) and show him a few Austin highlights.

With these two boys, it's sure to be an interesting and fun weekend.


Nashe^ said...

LOL. Which is your lil brother?

ashley-cita said...

Ha. He'd be the one on the left.

Pink Sun Drops said...

That place looks delicious! I'm going to have to try the one up near me.