Friday, March 11, 2011

Weekend Preview

I have been absolutely loving our weekends as of late and this weekend promises much of the same-- things that are (at least, in part) responsible for all the warm fuzzies I get going into Friday:

Friday afternoon—dog park with The Husband and The Pup.

Saturday morning—some housework and errands... okay, these do not give me the warm fuzzies, but they are oh-so-necessary.

Saturday eveningPainting with a Twist. I’m so excited for this, actually. My sister gave me a gift certificate for Christmas, and I’m going to paint The Pup. We’ll see if any of my artistic “talent” (and I mean that in the loosest sense of the word) from high school remains.

Sunday—Hike/walk with The Husband and The Pup at Walnut Creek. We just discovered this park last week and, really, we should be ashamed. It’s (give or take) 10 minutes from our home, and we’ve lived within that distance for nearly 6 years. The scenery is so beautiful that I completely forget that I’m minutes away from a major street in the middle of Austin. Such a lovely respite for us. For The Pup? Well, we’re teaching her to swim in the creek. Aside from that (her least favorite part of the day), she also loves exploring every inch of the trails.

How do your weekend plans look?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

My weekends have been less-than-awesome lately. It kind of has me bummed out. But hopefully soon enough I'll be able to enjoy some down time!

Looks like you had an exciting weekend though! :)