Friday, January 30, 2009

#59: Go to the gym 3 times/week for one month

Completed: 01-31-09

The Husband and I used to be really good about going to the gym. We weren't "those people" who you always see at the gym come rain or sleet or snow, but we went regularly enough that I didn't feel like a total couch-sitting-slacker.

But, then, last year, I got out of the habit. As I've mentioned previously, I started putting more focus on work and all that comes with that and, as a result, when I did have free time, I was too pooped to be active.

No biggie, really, since my pants stayed the same size, probably thanks to leaving a job where I was surrounded by cookies, but I started to notice that I felt "softer" and more easily winded. The heck? I'm not yet 30. Time for a change. So, back to the gym it was.

Truth be told, I could technically cross #60 off the list in place of this one. I'm not though, because I realize that making it to the gym 4+ times/week for the month of January is not as challenging as doing it in April, when my jobby job goes into high-stress mode and I really need to make this booty move.

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