Anyway. The Great BBQ Hunt of 2009 started with this little magazine:
This little magazine told us that Snow's BBQ in Lexington, TX was/is the best BBQ in the whole state of Texas. Quite a statement, huh?
Naturally, we had to go check it out.
Ashley-cita outside Snow's. Do not let my glaring whiteness blind you. Also, please note the smile even though A) it's before 9:00am and B) I have not had any coffee.
This lady, Tootsie, gets up at lord knows what hour and gets the fire going in the pits by 3:00am. Three o'clock AM, people. That is dedication.
Hello, yummy, delicious, fantastical BBQ.
Hello, handsome. Please note the two people in front of The Husband. We arrived around 7:45am, and they were already there and waiting.
This door opened at 8:00am on the dot and we gathered up our BBQ (3 lbs of brisket, 1 lb of pork butt, 2 half chickens, 1 pint of potato salad and a cup of coleslaw).

Grumpy face because I had to smell that delicious smoked meat all the way home?! Boo.
Grumpy face because I had to smell that delicious smoked meat all the way home?! Boo.
The goods all bagged up, but home. Finally.
The feast with the magazine that started it all. See that water bottle? Yeah. That's Snow's BBQ sauce, all bottled up.

A Southern girl knows that the only way to eat BBQ pork is on a white roll with coleslaw and a generous amount of sauce. Yummmmm!
Also pictured: brisket, chicken and potato salad.
To sum, if you're in the area, make a drive out to Lexington and pick up some Snow's BBQ. It's totally worth the early wake-up, honest.
A Southern girl knows that the only way to eat BBQ pork is on a white roll with coleslaw and a generous amount of sauce. Yummmmm!
Also pictured: brisket, chicken and potato salad.
To sum, if you're in the area, make a drive out to Lexington and pick up some Snow's BBQ. It's totally worth the early wake-up, honest.
So, when I come to visit, we're going, right? It looks fantastic!
But of course!
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